Height of the damage indicator at minimum damage.
Height of the damage indicator at minimum damage.
How long the damage indicator stays on screen at minimum damage.
Width of the damage indicator at minimum damage.
How far away the damage indicators are from the crosshair.
Toggles showing other player’s steam avatar panels.
Toggles showing other player’s name and steam avatar panels.
The amount of units to linearly fade the entity panel over. This fade is enabled using mom_hud_ghost_entpanels_fade_enable .
Toggles the entity panels fading out based on distance. This distance is set using mom_hud_ghost_entpanels_fade_start and mom_hud_ghost_entpanels_fade_dist .
The distance (in units) at which entity panels start to fade. This fade is enabled using mom_hud_ghost_entpanels_fade_enable .
Toggles showing other player’s name panels.